Dizajn leća bez okvira za periferni vid u svakom smjeru. Pričvršćivanje podokvira leće za brzo i jednostavno mijenjanje leća. Aerodinamičan dizajn okvira i nosača pruža potpunu kompatibilnost s kacigom. Diskretni urezi na okvirima kod sljepoočnica omogućuju kompatibilnost s većinom dioptrijskih naočala, bez kompromisa u pristajanju. Maksimalna dvostruka leća s F3 premazom protiv zamagljivanja.
Srednje do veliko pristajanje.
Specifikacije modela
Model | Leča vremenski tip | Prijenos svjetlosti (VLT) |
Prizm Rose | Snow, Cloudy | 26% |
Factory Pilot Prizm Jade | Partly cloudy, Sunny | 13% |
Prizm Hi Pink | Snow, Cloudy | 46% |
Prizm Jade | Cloudy, Partly cloudy | 13% |
Prizm Hi Pink | Snow, Cloudy | 46% |
Harmony Fade | Partly cloudy | 8-18% |
Prizm Hi Pink | Snow | 18-43% |
Prizm Rose | Snow, Cloudy | 26% |
Thorstein Sig | Sunny | 3-8% |
Prizm Hi Pink | Snow, Cloudy, Partly cloudy | 46% |
Blue Dynamic Flow | Partly cloudy, Sunny | - |
Factory Pilot Origins Berry Seafoam | Partly cloudy, Sunny | - |
Prizm Rose Gold | Partly cloudy, Sunny | 13% |
Dodatne značajke:
Triple Layer Face Foam, Rimless Frame Design, Injection-Molded Plutonite Lens, Glare Reduction, Discreet Frame Notches, Adjustable Strap, Flexible O Matter Chassis, Optically Correct Dual Lens
Veličina lica:
Promjenjivi leče:
Over the Glasses (OTG):
Kompatibilno sa kacigom:
Antifog tehnologija:
F3 anti-fog coating
Uključuje dodatke leća:
UV filteri:
recenzije (7)
"These goggles are for our daughter and she loves them to death. The features, design, and materials used are the best on the market we've seen thus far. She's really amazed with the googles and we'll look to expand the selection soon. SkatePro, keep up the great selection and prices! Mahalo, Darrel fr Honolulu" | |
DARREL LAU (Honolulu) | 04/03/23 |
"Ochelarii sunt f misto, originali si exact ca in poza si ca in specificatii. Produsul a ajuns f rapid si chiar inainte de plecarea la munte. Recomand cu incredere doar daca doriti produsul rapid, trebuie sa verificati daca GLS-ul a trimis pachetul a doua zi dupa comanda, daca nu, contactati call-centerul si rezolva ei." | |
Daniela S. (Bucureşti) | 23/02/21 |
"Minunati" | |
Louisa Gheorghe (Brăneşti) | 22/02/21 |
"Das PRIZM ROSE Gals ist fantastisch fürs fahren bei Schneefall oder stark bewölkten Tagen. Der Tag wird dadurch zwar nicht sonnig, aber der erhöhte Kontrast, lässt einem Spuren, Geländekanten im Schnee deutlich besser erkennen, so dass man sicher und schneller durch den Schnee kurven kann. Oakley Flight Deck überzeugt auch durch enorm grosses Sichtfeld. Würde das Produkt immer wieder kaufen. (Das Brillenband ist farblich in zwei Hälften geteilt. Eine Hälfte Weisser-Hintergrund Rose O, die Andere Hälfte Rosé-Hintergrund, weisses O = finde ich nicht so schön)" | |
Simon Haesler (Kriens) | 19/02/21 |
"Very happy with purchase. Items arrived on time." | |
J. king (Ravensdale) | 27/01/20 |
"Lever fuldt op til forventningerne :-)" | |
Julie Winther (Kongens Lyngby) | 13/02/19 |
"Good glasses and nice design!" | |
Olle Blomqvist (Skillingaryd) | 28/12/18 |