
Spinner 80 Wheel 4-paket

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Besplatna dostava od 79 €
Dostava 5 radnih dana
365 dana za povrat robe


Powerslide Spinner 80 kotači vjerojatno su najbolja vrijednost za novac kada je riječ o visokoučinkovitim kotačima za urbani freeskating. Ovi kotači pružaju sve što vam je potrebno: brzinu, lako kotrljanje, dobar grip i dugotrajan vijek trajanja. Freeskate kotači suočavaju se s intenzivnim pritiskom tijekom klizanja, skokova i vožnje po stepenicama, posebno kada je sva težina na jednom kotaču. Kako bi izdržali te snažne sile, jezgra kotača izrađena je od vrlo čvrstog kompozitnog materijala ojačanog staklenim vlaknima. Ovaj kotač dolazi u veličini 80mm / 88A.

Prodaju se u pakiranjima od 4, ležajevi se trebaju kupiti zasebno.


Promjer kotača:
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Preciznost ležaja:
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recenzije   (6)

Provjereni kupac
"livraison très rapide,roue montées sur roller doop classic.Pas encore testé car mauvais temps, pandémie et obligé de rester chez moi.J 'espère que la glisse sera au rendez vous.Je vous tiendrai au courant.A plus..."
LAUDE Jacques (Valenciennes) 17/03/20
Provjereni kupac
"First off, I’d like to say that these are great wheels and I’d recommend them to anyone that is looking for: slalom/freestyle wheels, outdoor hockey wheels, and urban skating (freeride) wheels I use my skates a lot, roughly 7-12 hours a week, and usually I can tell if a wheel is good if it hasn’t been worn down significantly within the first week of usage (just to point out, I mainly skate on concrete). These wheels have held up and have met my standards, they’re made of polyurethane and have a hardness of 85A (decent - good for outdoor skating, depending on how much you skate). The profile of this wheel is very similar to the bullet profile of an Undercover wheel, except that it’s barely a little bit rounder. I don’t have anything else to say other than that these wheels are high quality and are fit to do many things, both indoors and outdoors. If you are looking for a great wheel, one that’s going to last you awhile, I’d recommend these."
Logan Starckx (Woodford) 17/02/20
Provjereni kupac
"Super roues ! Je recommande"
Bruno Saada (PARIS) 02/09/19
Provjereni kupac
"Towar ok.Czas dostarczeni zobaczcie sami"
Jacek stefański (Radom) 27/08/19
Provjereni kupac
"Das Produkt ist super. Es hat aber über einer Woche gedauert"
K. Jones (Lörrach) 01/07/19
Odgovor od SkatePro:  Hallo Kai,

Vielen Dank für die Mail.
Ich kann sehen, dass das Paket nach 3 Tagen zugestellt wurde. Dies liegt noch in der Lieferfrist, die wir angeben.
Provjereni kupac
"Super fine hjul i god kvalitet. Perfekte til at øve dit “powerslide stop”"
Jacob Nielsen (Aalborg) 04/01/19
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