Besplatna dostava od 79 €
Dostava 5 radnih dana
365 dana za povrat robe
Ovaj jednostavan dizajn omogućit će jednostavnu instalaciju ovog zatezača lanca od Salt-a. Izrađen za osovine od 14 mm i dolazi s različitim duljinama vijaka za podešavanje kako biste svaki put mogli pronaći idealnu točku.
Debeo je 3,5 mm, ima vanjski promjer od 32 mm i otvor za osovinu od 14 mm.
recenzije (26)
"Ne odgovara dobro za dirtbike MTB. Treba malo prčkati, ali na kraju je u redu." | |
Flavius Popa (München) | 11/08/24 |
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno |
"Vrlo su funkcionalni! Za okvire koji ne donose" | |
Sebastián Prego (Platja D'Aro) | 18/06/24 |
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno |
"Dobro" | |
Nick neuhaus (Urtenen-schonbuhl) | 17/05/24 |
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno |
"Dobra kvaliteta, brza dostava." | |
Maik Messerschmidt (Frankfurt am Main) | 24/04/24 |
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno |
"Does it fine" | |
Rasmus Larsen (Aarhus C) | 16/11/23 |
"Absolute garbage. ThreadS failed immediately after installation and now this is completely useless. Contacted Skatepro customer service and they blamed me for installing it wrong, which is not the case. The material is so soft, that I imagine looking at it wrong will cause the threads to strip. Bad product and extra bad customer service. DO NOT BUY!!!" | |
Riku S. (Piikkiö) | 21/08/23 |
Odgovor od SkatePro: Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We have already contacted you in order to try and help you with it. The order with a new product has already been dispatched. We remain at your disposal. |
"Fait ce qu’on lui demande et en plus c’est beau" | |
PELTIER Sébastien (Monce En Belin) | 13/07/23 |
"Zeer goed" | |
Kay Oterdoom (Antwerpen) | 17/02/22 |
"Does the job. Very easy to use." | |
Diogo Nascimento (LISBOA) | 02/01/22 |
"Gewoon goed van Salt" | |
Sjoerd van Velthoven (Pijnacker) | 10/11/21 |
"Den gör vad den skall, enkel att installera!" | |
Markus Eliasson (Umeå) | 11/05/21 |
"Thanks very much, perfect" | |
Rob Alton (Veresegyház) | 09/05/21 |
"Fait le job conforme à la description" | |
B. Guillaume (Yzeure) | 12/03/21 |
"La pièce est de bonne facture. Juste faire attention lors de la commande car 1 seul tendeur dans le set. Donc penser à en commander 2... La visse la plus petite est encore trop longue pour un WTP arcade, il faut soit la couper soit en trouver une autre." | |
Laurent M. (Issoire) | 16/02/21 |