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Metric Titanium BMX Hub Bolt od TLC-a namijenjen je ozbiljnim vozačima koji žele uštedjeti nekoliko grama težine bez utjecaja na performanse. Bilo da ste park shredder, idete visoko na rampama, ili trkač koji pokušava poboljšati svoje osobno najbolje vrijeme kruga, TLC Metric Titanium BMX Hub Bolt će sigurno pomoći.
Titanijski vijci su lakši od kromiranih vijaka i još uvijek vrlo izdržljivi.
Uključena je jedna distancna pločica.
Napomena: 10/14mm odgovara osovinama od 10mm i radi s dropoutima od 14mm.
Promjer osovine:
recenzije (17)
"Okay these are a little bit too short when you're running plastic aluminum pegs because the inner core on the pegs is really thick so you run out of threads so they can use six to five threads more added on to them other than that they've been working great so far haven't stripped them out yet" | |
Kenneth W Foster (Shawnee) | 16/10/23 |
"greatt !!!" | |
"I ordered these along with a wtp arrow front hub.. unfortunately the treading is wrong so I can't use with this hub. the are definitely light other that order arrived super fast and reasonably priced as I couldn't find the hub anywhere else online or instore" | |
Geronimo DeLeon (BRONX) | 04/10/21 |
"This company is awesome. Has a lot of great stuff and was very quick to get me my order all the way from Denmark." | |
Andy Smith (Oakley) | 09/10/19 |