
Raider BOA Role Za Djecu

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K2 Raider inline role za djecu dizajnirane su za izvrsne performanse. Podesive su po veličini kako bi trajale nekoliko sezona, što je savršeno za djecu s rastućim stopalima. Ove K2 inline role opremljene su kvalitetnom mekanom čizmom. Mekša konstrukcija čizme osigurava i dobro pristajanje i udobnost. K2 Raider role odgovaraju stvarnoj veličini. Stoga preporučujemo odabir iste veličine kao i vaše uobičajene cipele.

  • Visoki ovratnik pruža maksimalnu potporu gležnju za stabilizaciju i smanjenje umora mišića
  • Powerstrap zatvaranje kako bi se izbjeglo podizanje pete s dodatnim remenom preko rista za sigurno pristajanje i dodatnu kontrolu
  • Kotači od 70mm ili 72mm s tvrdoćom od 80A savršeno zaokružuju ovu postavu
  • Ugrađene obloge koje apsorbiraju udarce
  • Kombinacija prozračne mreže i pjene u oblozi održavat će vaša stopala udobnima i dobro prozračenima
  • Kočnica uključena u paket

Zapamtite provjeriti vijke prije prve upotrebe i zategnuti ih ako je potrebno. Također imajte na umu da redovito trebate provjeravati stanje vijaka nakon toga.

Napomena: Remen/petlja na stražnjem dijelu čizme služi za nošenje rola i nije namijenjena za povlačenje prilikom obuvanja rola.

Boa-sustav ima doživotno jamstvo u slučaju tehničkog kvara - u tom slučaju posjetite: Boa Warranty.

Kompatibilni dijelovi

Pronađite proizvode kompatibilne s K2 Raider BOA Role Za Djecu:

Kompatibilni dijelovi


Prilagodljiva veličina čizme:
Promjer kotača:
Vrsta čizme/školjke:
Razina vještine:
Materijal čizama:
Mesh, Plastic
Materijal obloge:
Mesh, Foam
Značajke obloge:
Built-in, Shock absorber
Powerstrap, Micro-adjustment buckle, BOA
Stable, High lateral support, Integrated carrying loop
Materijal okvira:
Vrsta okvira:
Flat setup
Tvrdoća kotača:
Preciznost ležaja:

recenzije   (55)

Provjereni kupac
"Ove role su fantastične! Bili smo toliko impresionirani prvim parom da smo odlučili kupiti iste takve, samo sljedeću veličinu. Čvrste su, udobne i pružaju odličnu podršku mladim klizačima. Kotači se glatko okreću, a podesiva veličina znači da mogu rasti s našim djetetom. Savršene su za početnike i iskusniju djecu. Toplo preporučujemo!"
Maria Shlyapina (Wellington) 26/08/24
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno
Provjereni kupac
"Koturaljke savršeno pristaju (također za djevojčice) - jednostavno se obuvaju i izuvaju"
Gabriela Bigler (Niederscherli) 11/08/24
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno
Provjereni kupac
"Super udobne i stabilne. toplo preporučujem"
Joanna B. (Kożuchów) 11/06/24
Prevedeno - Prikaži izvorno
Provjereni kupac
"Easy to put on and take off for a 5 years old kid due to Boa system. He was so pleased with them on the first day that he whole day stayed in the house with the boots on. For me (the mom :)), the same model of boots but next size (32-37) is apparently too short when the maximum size is used even though I wear shoe size 35,5-36. I will still give them a chance hoping the boots will adjust in time, wearing them multiple times; in the worst case scenario they will be the next inline roller skates for my son."
Z. Alina (Otopeni, Ilfov) 29/09/21
Provjereni kupac
"Die Inliner Raider Boa haben wir als Geburtstagsgeschenk für unsere Tochter zum 5. gekauft. Sie gefallen ihr, passen gut und fahren sich auch gut. Preis/ Leistung stimmt. Auch die telefonische Beratung eines Mitarbeiters war sehr hilfreich. Gerne wieder"
Isabel L. (Grefrath) 05/06/21
Provjereni kupac
"Schnelle Lieferung, hat alles gepasst, Super, gern wieder"
Jürgen Kiehl (Fuldatal) 27/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"Pass und komfort hervorragend, meine sind begeistern und wollen nur fahren :-)"
Julio Barrera (Oldersbek) 21/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"Es hat alles super geklappt. Die Inliner passen super. Gerne wieder!!!"
Svenja K. (Bremervörde) 20/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"They arrived on time and are simply perfect!"
Μ. Ιουστίνη (Αθήνα) 14/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"Site appears to be Canadian but products were shipped from overseas. When received had to pay significant unexpected duty charges. Bummer. Product is good but soured by extra unforeseen charges."
T. Smith (Surrey) 06/05/21
Odgovor od SkatePro:  Hi Trisha,

Thank you for taking the time to write a review👌

I am sorry about the misunderstanding...

We are not a Canadian company. We do not hide that. You can read about us here: https://www.skatepro.ca/en/d1.htm
We have a Canadian website so it is easier for the locals to find us. We sell to many different countries under different domains (you can see the list of all the countries we ship to here: https://www.skatepro.net/d16.htm ) We also have a Canadian phone number so you would not need to pay the rates when calling to a Danish number.
Also, right before you checkout, we mention that the import taxes have to be paid upon receiving the products and we show an estimated amount of how much import tax you would need to pay.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Provjereni kupac
"Weeks and weeks later I have yet to receive my skates. My sons birthday gift was absent on his birthday. No apologies. No refunds. No customer service."
Graham Clarke (Oakville) 05/05/21
Odgovor od SkatePro:  Hi Graham,

I am truly sorry for the experience with the delivery company on this one.

Fortunately, we found a solution and you got a full refund in the meantime 😀

If there is anything else, don't hesitate to contact us again!

Provjereni kupac
"This is a fabulous product. My eight year old LOVES them. We're looking forward to many years of use due to the flex sizing. Highly recommend."
Cedar Swan (Mississauga) 04/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"Schneller Versand, Qualität super.da sie ein Geburtstagsgeschenk sind wurden sie noch nicht ausprobiert."
Ilona B. (Salzatal Ot.Köllme) 03/05/21
Provjereni kupac
"Sehr gute Qualität"
Elena Kostin (Darmstadt) 03/05/21
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